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For the College Gals

Every once in a while I do a post about college life. This post idea came from a twitter friend, D. She wanted me to blog about how to stay in shape while away at school. D and I happen to be sorority sisters but go to different schools! So thanks for the great idea, D!

We'll start off with going to the gym. I don't have a strict schedule that I adhere to but I always make time to go to the gym no matter how loaded my schedule may be. Usually I go to the gym M,T,W, TH, and take off F,S, and Sun.  I am not the greatest morning person so I find that going to the gym late at night (say around 9:30) works best for me. That way I will be at the gym when I would be tempted to snack during homework and I can come home and shower and get to bed right afterward.

Next rule for me: Don't drink unless you actually like what you are drinking. For example, if you don't like the taste of beer, then don't drink it. Why waste calories drinking something you don't like just because there is nothing else available.

Snacks: Whatever you do, do not load up on snacks for your dorm or apartment. If the snacks aren't readily available to you, then you are less likely to eat them. I'm not saying to starve yourself though! I like to stock up on baby carrots (I find they keep the longest out of most veggies), red pepper hummus, pretzels, almonds and beef jerky. I also keep dark chocolate because I am a chocolate fiend. Skip dessert at the dining hall and grab a square of dark chocolate when you get home (now if I could just remember this every time I frequented the dining hall!)

Dining hall: When you eat in an all you can eat dining hall, you may be tempted to eat all of your favorite things. So instead of eating a balanced meal, you get a plate full of pizza (yes, I can recall a few many times I have done this). To help balance out my meal I always eat a salad with lunch and dinner. It has vitamins to help keep you healthy. If you are really health conscious, eat your salad first. This way you will fill your stomach with healthy things first and then have less room for the unhealthy. For breakfast (if you are awake for that!) I choose to eat a chewy bar or something along those lines. It's quick, satisfying and I can take it on the go. I usually keep one in my bag at all times just in case I have to skip a meal or get hungry in class. Remember: You need food to keep yourself going throughout the day. Skipping a meal for no reason is a bad idea.

Other tips and tricks: Walk wherever and whenever possible and wear the shoes to do it. My campus is very big and hilly and walking is sometimes a pain (literally) and often times I get so annoyed and take the bus or drive (especially in the cold!). Don't do what I just said! Walk, walk, walk! You'd be surprise how far you walk in a day just going to class and meals and the gym or library. It burns a lot of calories. Wearing the right shoes to walk in is essential because if you debut your super cute new Christian Louboutins (I wish) to class, you aren't going to want to walk very far.
Also, I am huge on a daily multi vitamin and washing my hands as much as possible. I'm not necessarily a germaphobe but during my freshman year I got sick a lot more often than I ever had in the past and that was because I wasn't taking care of myself as well as I should. Well, sophomore year I got it down to a science. I've found I need 9 hours of sleep to function well, I need a multi vitamin to keep my immune system up, and I need to eat right and exercise to keep from being sick.
Starbucks: I cannot go a single day without coffee, tea, or diet coke. Caffeine is my drug of choice and I like it in all forms. However, if you need caffeine, don't load it up with calories. When you go to Starbucks or any other local coffee place I always ask for skim milk and unsweetened anything. For example if I really want a treat at Starbucks such as a pumpkin spice latte, my order is : grande-non-fat-no whip- pumpkin spice latte. Usually I just stick with a dry non-fat cappuccino or black coffee. As for tea, reach for the stars. I love it because it's so delicious and oh so healthy. Practically calorie-less and delicious! Just don't add tons of real sugar or anything else to it and you are set. As for diet coke, if you follow me on Twitter, you can see that I've been trying to give up the Diet Coke habit because it really is a very unhealthy habit, but I have not been doing such a great job. Only time will tell!
Last tip which seems very obvious is drink LOTS and LOTS of water! I prefer mine out of a Tervis Tumbler or a Camelbak water bottle!
I hope these tips help all those college bound ladies. I am always looking for healthy tips so if you have any, please share! Have a fabulous day!

**Don't forget to enter my headband and key chain GIVEAWAY!

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