Swedish-Persian singer Snoh Aalegra just released the official remix for her "I Want You Around" single which now features Rapper 6LACK! She released the official music video back in Feb. 2019!
The song is lifted from her recently dropped brand new album Ugh, those feelings again (8.16.19)!
Snoh also last unveiled her "Find Someone Like You" single back in June! In April, she came back with new music with the release of her emotionally filled "You" single! Take a listen below via YouTube! Shoh last delivered her "I Want You Around" track in February of this year! She also previously released her debut studio album titled Feels in October 2017! Shoh also dropped singles: "Sometimes" Feat. Logic and the official music video for her collaborative "Nothing Burns Like The Cold" single feat. Vince Staples! She also recently just released her new "Fool For You" single! She previously released the music video for her new Wu Tang Clan member RZA produced track "Emotional!" The singer also previously released her "Bad Things" single featuring rapper Common!

SINGLE: Snoh Aalegra's "I Want You Around" Feat. 6LACK!
#SnohAalegra #IWantYouAround #6LACK #newsingle #Ugh,thosefeelingsagain #newstudioalbum #newalbumstream #streamalbum #FindSomeoneLikeYou #newsingle #You #newsingle #IWantYouAround #newsingle #newmusicvideo #Feels #newstudioalbum #Sometimes #Logic #newsingle #NothingBurnsLikeTheCole #VinceStaples #newmusicvideo #FEELS #newstudioalbum #newsingle #FoolForYou #newsingle #Emotional #newsingle #RZA #newartist #BadThings #Common #buzzfeed #musicartists
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