Lizzy Goodman, who writes for The New York Times said that's what Kendrick Lamar said to her. Well, maybe not exactly in those words, but in that line. He actually said he doesn't want to be someone that comes and goes. This was early this year, around the time the Grammy nominations was released, and Kendrick was nominated multiple times. He became uncomfortable, and Goodman revealed that he said...
“I’m the worst,” he eventually said, breaking the silence. “Whenever I get good news about anything . . . man, I guess I’m bad at receiving compliments.” He stopped typing but didn’t look up from the phone, his face all but obscured beneath his black hood. “Like yesterday with the nominations, things like that — it made me feel like I had to be in the studio because I had to do it, not again, but. . . .” He couldn’t quite finish his thought. “It just bothers me,” he said finally. “I don’t want to be something that just comes and goes.” (as written by Lizzy Goodman for The New York Times) I understand what Kendrick is trying to say. Sometimes, it is better to grow slowly to the top, than just come, BANG! It can be so scary, and you might feel the only way to go is down after that. I remember reading somewhere where Rich Boy said he blew up too fast, and it scared him, and that was why he disappeared off the rap scene. I guess that's why Kendrick went to the studio to work again, cos he feels he has to live up to the accolades his first album got with his next album. Don't worry Kendrick; you got what it takes to last in Hip will be here for a long time.
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