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Castle - Season 6, Episode 3 'Need to Know' [Review + Recap]

Episode 3 of Season 6 of Castle, aired last night and it may be the best yet. The theme of the whole affair revolved around a TV show not dissimilar to that of Saved By The Bell. If you don't know what that is then you should probably look it up, but it was a high-school central TV series in the 90s. In this Castle episode however, the 'show' is entitled '2 Cool 4 School' but features a main character (not dissimilar to Zack Morris), a 'jock' (A.C. Slater incarnated) and also a love interest, who in the Castle version is called Lisa (but you probably know her has Kelly Kapowski). Oh, not to mention the numerous references to Mario Lopez throughout the thing. Hilarious. 

But anyway, back to beginning of the episode. So, a jogger stumbles across a body hanging from a hook above an apartment complex which is being refurbished. Meanwhile, Castle is struggling with home life(of Pi) and the long distance with Beckett, and sees Esposito and Ryan on the TV investigating the hook-man's murder (who turns out be a famous child-star) and tries calling Espo, who rejects his call on live TV. Ouch. So, Castle makes his way over there and manages to wriggle his way into the investigation, and also finds that Beckett has a replacement (a messy guy whose name I forget). 

So, back at base Captain Gates finds Castle investigating, but before she can call him out on his meddling, Beckett and McCord arrive and take over the case, citing sensitive information on a 'need to know' basis. The usual, then? But the boys at the precinct aren't having this. It's also revealed that sweet little Ryan has a bit of a 'bayview' (not at all like Bayside is it?)/2 cool 4 school addiction. He's a huge fan. Like huge. 

To which, naturally, Espo makes fun of. Ryan, Castle and Espo head down to the morgue where the medical examiner tells them that he found chicken poop on the vic's shoes, leaving them to determine he must have been near chickens before he died. Ingenious. The three musketeers then go to interrogate Ramone (sp?), the child star's (also known as Charlie) co-star. Ramone informs them that he didn't kill Charlie and was with his girlfriend, and also that they were making a movie of 2 Cool 4 School. Ramone also reveals that something was bothering Charlie Interesting. The three go to visit the movie set after they find out the current director likes to embezzle money. Hmm, could he have killed Charlie to cover up his scam? Oh wait, probably not, as it's too early in the episode.

Hmm, go figure. It turns out the Russians are financing the movie so the director wouldn't dare cross them. So, with no more suspects, Ryan and Espo tell Castle to cosy up to Kate. Needless to say it doesn't work. The team manage to track down a warehouse which has said chickens at and the three go there to investigate. They find a series of weapons in a filming container that the Russians had sent over. Ohhhh, so the Russians are sending over weapons and using the film as a front. Could the Russians have had Charlie killed? Before we can think, Beckett and McCord arrive - turns out they located this shipment too. 

Before anyway can think, another guy from the CIA shows up and tells them to keep quiet and that he is tracking the shipment. It turns out the CIA were using Charlie to spy on the Russians (even more of a motive to have him killed) but everything's pretty hush hush. Before Beckett disembarks to DC, she gives Castle a hardrive with footage from Charlie's last movements. They eventually discover that a member of the Russian family, Svetlana (sp?) who is the neice of the mobster. 

But, it turns out she was infact in love with Charlie and they were planning on running away together. Great. The neice reveals that Charlie was giving his apartment to someone and dun dun dun - it was Ramone! They bring Ramone in for questioning and he cracks like an egg and reveals Charlie was walking away from the movie and Ramone was going to be broke so he had to kill him. Errrr, ok? 

Meanwhile in the monitoring room, Beckett, Gates and McCord discuss the case and Gates tells Beckett to come back any time. In the other interrogation room, the CIA agent is hassling Svetlana to take over Charlie's position spying for her family; it looks like she's in a tough situation. Brave Beckett doesn't like this at all, and instead leaks information about the situation to the press, meaning Svetlana can't spy on her family, instead she will go into Witness Protection. 

Yay Beckett! Back at Castle's apartment, Rick reveals her bought a place in DC to visit Kate - until McCord shows up and tells Beckett that her leaking information has lost her, her job. So, looks as if Beckett has been fired from the task force. Finally! Let's hope it stays that way as Kate and Rick work much better together. This episode was probably the best so far as we got to see Rick back on a proper case and Kate abandoning her position for what is right. You go Beckett! So, what do we think's going to happen in episode 4? Let's hope it's a good one!

Review and Recap by Mel. 

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