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The Digit-al Dozen Redoes Art: Day One Dry Brush

Welcome to another week of the Digit-al Dozen!  I think I mentioned previously that there are some of the themes for the Digit-al Dozen coming up that I was not looking forward to, well this week is one of them.  Art!  Eek.  Now in case you don't know, I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination (which is why I love stamping so much!).  In fact, I am about 99% sure the only reason I passed any art classes at school was because the teachers felt sorry for me.  I did try!  Which is kinda going to be what this week is about.  I imagine that there is going to be a few bumps along the way, but nail art is all about having fun right?  That's what I am going with anyway.

I spent ages trying to come up with some 'easy' art work that I could recreate and boy was that hard.  I did joke about getting my daughter to do my nails or do a picture for me to recreate (she loved the idea and so far she refuses to draw anything for me lol).  Instead, I asked my good friend Google for some images of "easy DIY art" and I found some goodies in there.  Starting with this image:

Image from Google Images
Bright colours, dry brush....seriously how could I not pick this to recreate?  For my base I used OPI Alpine Snow, and then brushed on China Glaze's Bottoms Up, Too Yacht To Handle, I'll Pink To That, Sun Upon My Skin, UV Meant To Be and Home Sweet House Music.

I'm pretty sure this may be the best mani I come up with this week and I am ok with that.  I really like this one.

Definitely check out what the other DD girls have done because I imagine there is going to be some seriously amazing stuff coming from them.

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