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I'm Baaaaaaack (and Organized)!.... (^^,)


I missed you aaaaaalll! Hihi. I'm sorry I haven't blogged these past months. Things happened (some good, some bad) and it took me a while to bounce back but I promise I'm back for real. 

Now, some of you asked me how I organized my nail-related things and how I keep track of what I have and so on. Well...... they used to look like what you see in the first photo (I just piled them on a huge storage box). Eeeek.

So I bought these cool (and cheap) "iBoxes" and then piled them there (still eeeek). I mean... it was really messy and I got tired of rummaging so I bought a couple more "iBoxes" and arranged everything by brand. 

I then labeled each "iBox" so that I know what brands can be found inside and won't waste time opening each one trying to find what I need. (The white box contains all my nail art paraphernalia.) 

Oh, and I also made my own cheap version of swatch sticks / swatcicles. I just arrange them by their color and then hang them on my cabinet door for easy viewing. I've been thinking of selling some of these because I made a lot but I'm not sure someone will buy them, lol. Anyway, I'll post again soon but for now, I'll go visit some blogs. Hehe. See you!

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