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Quand je suis Gaie

It's a constant joy to discover a new, previously unheard-of diva here at Dolores Delargo Towers!

And lo and behold, courtesy of our Froggie housemate, we now have Mlle Annie Cordy in our lives. Despite being a trésor national in France, Mlle Cordy is actually Belgian.

Judging from what I have found of Annie Cordy on the interwebs (and there is a lot), she is a real "music hall"/showgirl all-round entertainer - a singer and comedienne - as well as movie star. Her career has spanned seven decades, and at the age of 84 she shows no sign of stopping!

On this Tacky Music Monday, let us indulge in a little of Annie's talents, starting with this bizarre number - Chaud Cacao:

Here she is "going gay"...

And here she is just last year in 2008, performing a medley of her hits for an adoring audience - her final song in this medley is quite smutty by all accounts, involving a naughty priest...

We love her!

Facts about Annie Cordy:
  • So beloved is she in her homeland, the King of the Belgians granted her the title Baroness Léonie Cooreman (her real name)! How grand...
  • She sang for the wedding of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III of Monaco in 1956.
  • In 1972, she was the star of the original French version of Hello, Dolly!
Annie Cordy on Wikipedia

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