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Yet Another Valentine's Day Mani

Another Valentine's Day mani....

Started with a two coats each of China Glaze Haunting, Orly Mirror Mirror, and Duri Taming of the Shrew.

Topped Mirror Mirror with a coat of Zoya Luna and Duri Taming of the Shrew with Zoya Jade for a little sparkle interest.

Stamped using SdP A20 (thumb), SdP 33 (index) Big SdP L (middle and ring finger), SdP C20 (on pinky) using red, black and white Konad stamping polish.

A rare shot of my right hand...pretty much same designs and plates, just a little different (I kinda like how it turned out better!)

Added a couple random hearts from QA18 using Konad black and white special polish, then topped with SV.

Is it just me or have there not been a whole lot of V-Day mani's out there in the blogesphere? Maybe because there are so many polish collections being released now and everyone is swatching them....not sure? Have you done one yet? If not, do you plan on doing one? Anyway, I hope I'm not boring everyone with mine! I think I even have a couple yet still to post!

Thanks for looking!

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