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Afternoon Tea Adventures - Kitty Afternoon Tea at Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium!

Hello there my lovely readers!

Time for another afternoon tea review for you dears! You can catch all my reviews so far HERE & this one is a special one especially for all my fellow crazy cat ladies out there! I'm sure you're aware of my love of the little furballs & for my birthday last year my friend & I visited Lady Dinahs Cat Cafe in Shoreditch for a delightful afternoon tea amongst my favourite creatures...cake AND cats? Lets face it this one was inevitable & a long time coming!

As is quite obvious from the title Lady Dinahs is a lovely little cafe situated in the streets of Shoreditch & is Londons first cat cafe, home to a number of adorable rescue cats who prowl & play in their domain around you whilst you indulge in tea & cake! 

Such a wonderful idea which I believe originated in Tokyo & I of course was super happy to see the trend spreading to our shores. Booking is required so my friend & I made sure we could get a slot in for my weekend birthday celebrations.

Upon arriving we met the lovely staff & after giving our names, were led through to the cafe which is situated behind a special door. Our waitress kindly explained how everything works, including what would be in the afternoon tea, as well as of course mentioning to take much care around the kitties. One must must respect a felines territory naturally ;)

We then went on through to the cafe which is decorated with quaint little table & chairs rather reminiscent to garden furniture actually! There is also a large window display which allows passers by to see the kitties. 

And then of course there are a number of wee beds, assault courses, squeaky toys etc, dotted around where you will find the members of Lady Dinahs strolling about, some snoozing away so adorably. Naturally my friend & I went in to complete & utter SQUUEEE mode ;)

Once we had calmed ourselves a tad, we then took our seats to await on our afternoon tea. The waitress informed us that we could order any drinks both cold & warm as much as we liked which was lovely! So to start I had an ice cream soda whilst my friend opted for a diet coke. 

Then our afternoon tea itself arrived in all its three layered glory & included delightful scones with clotted cream & jam, delicious sandwiches in baps made to look like kitties(!) & a yummy assortment of sweet treats including macaroons, red velvet cupcakes, choc brownies & more!

Our tea was served in adorably mismatched cups & saucers which I loved with their vintage kitsch vibe! Everything was absolutely delicious, I really loved the very homely vibe of the refreshments & servings can be replenished as much as you like.

Of course during our time there we got up to play with our furry friends if they passed our table, I was so surprised at how at ease they all were! Lets face it if my little one was there she would be darting left right & centre causing all manner of mischief! 

But not these guys no, they were all utterly chilled, look at this adorable chap snuggling his toy whilst in the land of nod, my heart literally melted...

There are two floors & you can visit downstairs as well where there's a sofa to relax on & more kitty toys & members of the kitty family. 

We had such a lovely time at Lady Dinahs, both the staff & the residents were absolutely wonderful & you can really tell that the staff adore their kitty family greatly.

The afternoon tea costs £35 per person & as mentioned booking is required, however you can also opt for simple tea & cake if an afternoon tea may seem too much. Lady Dinah's also offer a number of other fun kitty activities including Colouring in with kitty sessions! What?! I need to do this. So I highly recommend a visit! Also please note we visited a while back so there my have been some changes since then.

Thanks as always for reading lovelies!

Lotsa love to ya!

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