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How to keep the eyes so as not to dry

People who work at the computer for hours every day, or who wear contact lenses usually have experienced dry eye. The disease is also a common problem for those working in windy areas, areas that smoky, polluted, or close to the chemicals.

Keratocunctivitis sicca or dry eye (dryness of the eyes due to tear deficiency) are usually marked by a gritty feeling in the eyes, discomfort, dryness, burning sensation, no wind resistance, and can not stand to read in a long time. Usually the symptoms will be increasingly felt in the evening. Because of this, identify some triggers to avoid dry eye.

  Try to rest my eyes after a while looking at a computer screen. You can close your eyes for a moment so that the eyeball could be dampened by nature and look toward the addition to the monitor with a wink. Do not direct the eye into the air that blows hard in front of the fan, hair dryer, or close the window. Highly recommended anyway to use glasses if you are in these places. In addition, when about to swim do not forget to wear goggles to avoid irritation.

 If there is time, compressed, eyes a few minutes. This step is intended to reduce redness and dry eye fatigue. In addition to the above steps, you can also use the drops are sold in the market. However, you should consider carefully the composition of these eye drops to prevent something undesirable. Highly recommended to consult a physician before deciding on a good eye drops for your eyes.

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