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More questions about a shooting in Texas, and Donald is caught on tape again.

Last night at the end of my post about the 93 year old woman, who was shot to death in Texas, I reserved judgment until I heard more about the case.

Well, I have heard more, and Officer Stephen Stem has some explaining to do.

This is a police officer with a bad history, and when I look at the totality of the circumstances I just don't see where deadly force was justified in this situation.

This comment from someone commenting on the New York Daily News website pretty much sums up my feelings:

"She's 93, probably suffering from dementia to some degree. Someone that old could also have other infirmities such as deafness or impaired sight.  She never shot at him but Stam shot her anywhere from 3 5o 5 times when she wouldn't stop waving the gun.  I wonder if this cop would have shot an elderly 93 year old white woman."

I wonder as well.

Finally, someone should just tell my man Donald Sterling to leave bad enough alone and quit with commenting on racism.

In mean this latest staged   "leaked" phone call between him and an alleged friend is beneath whatever dignity he has left. The only thing worse than a racist is a cowardly racist who won't even man up and embrace his racism.

You have to give it to the Stormfront folks and those of their ilk; at least they embrace their ignorance and wear it proudly on their sleeves. You would never hear them trying to spin their racism like old man Sterling.

"You think I’m a racist?" Sterling asks the friend in the recording that was obtained and posted by RadarOnline on Thursday. "You think I have anything in the world but love for everybody? You don’t think that! You know I’m not a racist!"

The other voice responds, "I know I, but, I but .. what about when I hear that tape though, that tape of her..."

"I grew up in East LA!," Sterling retorts. "East LA! You’d die to get out of there — I got out of East LA. I was the president of the high school there. I mean, and I’m a Jew! And 50 percent of the people there were black and 40 percent were Hispanic. You ever been to Boyle Heights (a working-class Mexican-American neighborhood in LA) ... So I mean, people must have a good feeling for me."

So he goes the some of my best friends are black route. Really?

"It breaks my heart that Magic Johnson, my — a guy that I respect so much, wouldn’t stand up and say, ‘Well let’s get the facts. Let’s get him and talk to him.’ Nobody tried". [Source]

Donald, Magic has heard all he needs to hear from you. And I am pretty sure that most of the folks in America feel the same way.

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