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New Monster for OSE and BX - Ghuls and Ghul Overlords

Ghul Overlord

Pale-skinned, hunched humanoids with hands that have large claws and large jaws on their heads. Easily recognized, often under a polymorph spell to look like attractive humans to lure victims.

Armor Class​ 1 [18]
Hit Dice​ 4** (18hp) (Magic User 4+***)
Attacks​ 2 × claws 1d4 and bite 2d4
THAC0​ 15 [+4]
Movement Rate​ 120’ (40’) Burrow 15’ (5’)
Saves​ D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (M4)
Morale​ 7 (Mage 8)
Alignment​ Neutral
XP for Defeating 175 (Magic User 350)
Number Appearing​ 1d3
Treasure Type​ C

  • Undead: Make no noise, until they attack. Immune to effects that affect living creatures like poison. Immune to mind-effecting or mind-reading spells like charm, hold, and sleep.
  • Creation: Ghul Overlords are undead Jann. They may be created by a Noble Genie, or if Ghuls kill a Jann. All other creatures killed by Ghuls are just food.
  • Subservient: Easily overawed to serve powerful creatures, especially Noble Genies and Necromancers.
  • Damage Immunity: Can only be harmed by magical weapons and spells.
  • Magical Abilities: Ghuls can use the following abilities at will.
  1. Polymorph Self
  2. Cause Light Wounds
  3. Invisibility
  • Magic User: 1 in 6 Ghuls are Magic Users equivalent up to 5thlevel caster.


Appear identical to Ghul Overlords, besides being less intelligent and subservient.  

Armor Class​ 3 [16]
Hit Dice​ 3** (13hp)
Attacks​ 2 × claws 1d3 and bite 2d3
THAC0​ 17 [+2]
Movement Rate​ 90’ (30’) Burrow 15’ (5’)
Saves​ D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (M3)
Morale​ 7
Alignment​ Neutral
XP for Defeating 65  
Number Appearing​ 1d3
Treasure Type​ B

  • Undead: Make no noise, until they attack. Immune to effects that affect living creatures like poison. Immune to mind-effecting or mind-reading spells like charm, hold, and sleep.
  • Creation: Ghul are undead Humans. They may be created by a Noble Genie, or if Ghul Overlord kill a human and sit with it all night. All other creatures killed by Ghuls are just food.
  • Subservient: Easily overawed to serve powerful creatures, especially Noble Genies, Necromancers and Ghul Overlords.
  • Damage Immunity: Can only be harmed by magical weapons and spells.
  • Magical Abilities: Ghuls can use the following abilities at will.
  1. Polymorph Self
  2. Cause Light Wounds
  3. Invisibility
  • Pathetic: Ghuls spend their time wailing and crying over their existence. They avoid combat, and unless cornered they suffer a -2 penalty to attacks.

I went ahead and created a Facebook group for the blog, if you are interested the link is here.

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