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A real day off...

As the title suggests, today was a real day to do whatever the hell I wanted. Paint was high on the agenda. Didn't get too much painted though...  Finished the faces of two Russians (toughtest, most time consuming part of the mini IMHO) and glued 'em down.

What a dramatic difference in face quality in the same line/blister. The DP-27 gunner has a great mug. The riflemen looks pretty ogre-ish! Still spent a considerable amount of time on the faces.

Also played around with color choices. The Helmet gave me the most trouble. Started with Russian Green 894 and added yellow and khaki until happy. Base coated with this and washed with original Russian Green and plain water. Drybrushed with yellow/green. Finally added a bit of rust/dirt and coated with a semi-gloss to replicate pictures of actual helmets. Didn't seem that the helmets were really flat. Dullcote will tone this down a bit.

Planning to attend Salute 2011 in Vancouver in March and host a couple games using BF 15mms and Schwere Kompanie rules. Thinking about doing East Front - Stalingrad. Should be an enormous amount of terrain to construct...

 As a side note, added some extra detailing to a German (s)MG-34 base. Spent brass and FIMO ammo cans with a spare barrel case and barrel. Not too sure about the large amount of shells - human wave?!

Almost forgot to mention, got the Flames of War Battle Foam mini storage case in the mail today. $100.00 well spent... er...i guess...actually its a pretty high quality item. Perfect storage for 15mm goodies and the like - just a wee bit pricey! A bit of decadence I guess.


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