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Foot (and Shoe) Reference Part 2

When it comes to challenging parts of anatomy, feet rank right up there with hands and faces in terms of difficulty. Look at the paintings of Frank Frazetta; he would often go to great lengths to avoid painting a character's feet, even though they were perfectly acceptable when he did paint them. Drawing feet in shoes is challenging for many as well; I don't know how many odd kidney bean and smooshed bread loaf like appendages I've seen drawn at the bottom of a figure's legs over the years. But fret not, Jack Hamm has given us these wonderful guidelines in his classic figure drawing manual "Drawing the head & figure":

Yes, the footwear is somewhat dated. But with a little imagination one should be able to turn them into anything from strappy sandals to cowboy boots. I highly recommend Hamm's book; particularly for it's section on drawing the head, which is far too extensive to post here!

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