A slow but steady stream of Celts continues to emerge from the painting desk. The recent painting process seems to include a Celtic/Gallic warband for every four or five other units painted. This measured pace will not allow fielding of a Celtic force quickly but it does keep units working through the painting queue. Figures are from Black Tree Design.
Only a dozen BTD Celts remain in The Lead Pile; just enough to field one more warband. After the BTD supply is exhausted, attention can turn towards a large box containing a number of packs of Crusader Celts I picked up from a recent clearance at North Star Miniatures. My long range intention is to muster enough Celts to refight the Battle of Telamon. With each recent issue of Slingshot containing a report or two from the 2019 Battle Day featuring Telamon, my interest in refighting this battle increases. Given my preoccupation to mustering out units of Celts, the Roman contingent has been neglected. Soon, I must assess my capability of fielding the Romans for this battle. With luck, enough Romans have already been called up that no additional units need thrown into the painting queue.
In other news, I received an email from Chris at Sash & Saber saying my 28mm FIW Kickstarter shipped yesterday. Looking forward to seeing the figures and buildings in a few days.
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