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Gangers and Zombies

I got a few of the EM4 Thugz finished.  I really like these figures - easy to paint and very characterful.
First up is a sexy chic in jeans and a tank top.  I really like this pose - very contemptuous.  You may not notice the little pistol she is holding behind her right hip...  Next is who I think of as the leader of the gang in a 'bust a cap in yo ass' pose.  Very nice.  Next is a guy with a double barrel shotgun - the heavy artillery of the gang.  And finally is the flash dude - bright clothes, nickel plated pistol, fancy shoes...  Great figures all! 
I also finished four more of my Wargames Factory plastic zeds...
The first from left to right is a zed 'with an arm off', modeled after the zed in Shaun of the Dead who breaks into Ed and Shaun's house.  Next is one with his chest ripped open.  I tried to hint at an exposed ribcage using only paint.  Next is the 'club zed', complete with satin shirt and Chuck Taylor sneakers.  Finally is another doctor zed - this one also wearing Chucks.

Hopefully I'll get another game in soon.  I'll post as soon as I do.  The table is set up....

Just got to get the game on...

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