As an example, this is the random event table from the Gardens of Kesh
1d12 every Turn
1: Spores
2: Plants
3: Conflict
4: Facility
5: Wandering Monster
6-7: Lair Encounter
8-12: Nothing
Spores - this helps identify that the dungeon is dangerous
The air quality is pretty terrible in this dungeon because of the spores and pollen. Characters have to pass a CON save or start to cough and sputter. Characters lose some END, but don't know how much until they lose it through damage or Giving it Their All.
Plants - these events show that the dungeon is alive
The Gardens are a living place where plants have gone crazy. When this result comes up, roll 1d6:
- The party will be split as the plants fill the corridor/room
- PC pined against the wall/floor and takes 1d4 damage every 10 counts
- Random item is lost in the bramble
- Vines produce a prodigious amount of green berries
- Vines produce orange fruits
- Plants flower that stink like corpses and ooze blood
There are two factions already in conflict in this dungeon. In an area within earshot, the crew can hear the two factions fighting.
Facility - these results show history and background
So every turn there is a 57% chance that SOMETHING happens. This is a seriously active place. Of the events that do take place, the majority (57%) are things that set the tone and describe the dungeon, may impact play mechanically, or may allow for some problem solving or interaction. The rest (43%) are encounters with a random monster (including the factions) or a definitely faction encounter (lair meaning nearest lair).
The dungeon used to be Lab 44A Advanced Botany Facility and while mostly defunct, still functions from time to time. Roll 1d6.
- Pages a scientists to the observation deck
- Sprinklers turn on/off
- Air Quality update (Evacuate / Warning / Concern / Resolved)
- Emergency Red Lights turn on/off
- Underfoot plumbing makes a racket (50% rumbling as well)
- Electronic beeping coming from 1-3 a small speaker in the wall, 4-6 all over the damn place
Lair Encounter is particularly useful too - as monster "lairs" are changed through play, the encounter table changes simply because the closest lair is something different - faction A is nearly wiped out? Faction B starts showing up more often.
All of this makes this particular dungeon incredibly interactive and busy outside of the keyed areas. One could easily drop the roll rate to every other turn or roll every turn on 1d20 to lighten the activity load.
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